In an unprecedented milestone, Australia has taken a momentous step by preventing the establishment of a coal mine through environmental regulations. Notably, the nation had recently ranked highest among developed countries in terms of coal emissions per capita. The new administration has pledged to break free from this pattern.
A significant decision emerged on Thursday as the government rejected a proposal for a fresh mine situated approximately 10km (6.2 miles) from the Great Barrier Reef. Minister of Environment, Tanya Plibersek, emphasized that the project's potential risks to the vulnerable World Heritage site were deemed unacceptable.
Australia holds a notable position as a key global fossil fuel supplier. Accounting for 3.6% of the world's emissions through its exports, the country's contribution far exceeds its mere 0.3% share of the global population.
Despite the increased emissions reduction target set by the new government for 2030, it has also conveyed its intention to grant approval to viable commercial fossil fuel ventures.
This decision by Australia marks a substantial victory for environmental protection. By preventing the establishment of a new coal mine and committing to lower emissions, Australia takes a significant stride towards a cleaner and more sustainable future. This positive move underscores the recognition of the urgent need to curb the impact of fossil fuels on the planet's well-being and represents a commendable global example for responsible resource management.