Paris, 26 January — Yesterday, the National Assembly of France passed a measure to combat conversion therapy, recording 142 votes in favor and none against.
Under the faculties of this new law, those found guilty could face fines of up to €30,000 and up to two years of imprisonment. The legal framework in protection of the LGBTQIA+ population had previously received overwhelming support in the French Senate, passing with with 305 votes in favor to 28 against; the conservative Republicans party was the primary opposition.
The law will come into effect within the next two weeks, pending President Macron's approval.
Conversion therapy has been repeatedly denounced by United Nations experts. Its practices employ misguided attempts to alter the identities of LGBTQIA+ individuals.
The new law establishes an environment of strengthened human rights and will provide an open avenue for those affected by such therapy.
Penalties are clearly described by this new law: in situations where minors or adults deemed vulnerable are victims of conversion therapy, consequences could involve three years in prison and additional fines of up to €45,000 (£37,000). The enactment of this law coincides with France commemorating four decades since the decriminalization of homosexuality. The new legislation will open a range of avenues to those impacted by the practice, including allowing groups to take civil legal action on behalf of victims.
France's efforts are paralleled by a growing list of nations. Countries including Canada, Brazil, Ecuador, Malta, Albania, and Germany have committed to the fight against conversion therapy, demonstrating the importance of protecting and ensuring the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals globally.
Source: BBC. "LGBT rights: New French law to criminalise 'conversion therapy'". 26 January 2022. [Accessed: 27 January 2022].
Edited by Ansh Pincha