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Bhomith Salunkhe

Historic Ocean Treaty Reached to Safeguard Marine Life

A landmark agreement among nations has been achieved to safeguard the world's oceans from excessive exploitation.

The newly developed High Seas Treaty, two decades in the making, will bolster protected zones in international waters, regulating activities like fishing, shipping, and mining.

This treaty plays a pivotal role in achieving the 30x30 commitment – to safeguard 30% of land and sea by 2030 – as pledged during last year's UN Biodiversity Conference, COP15.

After long negotiations, representatives from 193 member states reached this significant milestone late Saturday at the UN headquarters in New York. The culmination of these efforts marks a significant advancement in protecting extensive oceanic areas beyond national borders.

The world's oceans are integral to sustaining life on our planet, covering about 71% of its surface and contributing half of our oxygen. Nonetheless, nearly two-thirds of this vital expanse exists outside any single nation's jurisdiction.

Established in 1982, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea allows nations to conduct fishing, shipping, and research in international waters. However, merely 1.2% of these zones are safeguarded, leaving the high seas vulnerable to over-exploitation.

Environmental advocates have previously raised concerns about unchecked resource exploitation, such as deep-sea mining, which could harm marine ecosystems and disrupt breeding habitats.

The new treaty strives to establish expansive marine protected areas to prevent wildlife loss and ensure fair resource allocation between nations.

These protected zones will restrict resource extraction from deep sea regions. More stringent regulations will govern activities like deep-sea mining and fishing, with shipping routes also facing restrictions.

Issues concerning fishing rights, funding, and sharing marine genetic resources have hindered negotiations. Yet, recent talks were able to bridge these gaps.

Marine genetic resources encompass biological materials derived from plants and animals that benefit society, contributing to areas like pharmaceuticals and food.

Advocates from the global south ensured equitable resource distribution, guaranteeing benefits for less affluent nations.

The High Ambition Coalition, comprised of the US, the EU, and the UK, played a pivotal role in propelling the talks and reaching compromises for the final agreement.

Nations will gather again to formally adopt the accord, initiating the implementation phase. This victory marks a significant step towards preserving oceanic health and securing the well-being of both our environment and humanity.


Sources: UN [Date accessed 5 March 2023], Natural History Museum [Date accessed 6 March 2023], Al Jazeera [Date accessed 7 March 2023]



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