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Bhomith Salunkhe

Hole in Ozone Layer Predicted to Close by 2070 as Emissions Decline

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), using data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, predicted that the hole in the ozone layer will close by the year 2070 if current progress persists.

According to Director of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Vincent-Henri Peuch, “The 2022 Antarctic ozone hole started to develop in late August and has so far followed similar trends from the last decade in terms of area, minimum total column, mass deficit and minimum temperature.”

“According to our data from the start of September, the size of the ozone hole is within the average range. However, we will be watching very closely in the next few weeks as the 2020 and 2021 ozone holes only started to become exceptional later on.”

The global community's collective commitment to the Montreal Protocol is credited to the 50% reduction in atmospheric concentration of ozone-depleting substances.

The anticipated recovery of the ozone layer by 2070 stands as a triumph for humanity in the face of a pressing environmental crisis. The success of the Montreal protocol establishes a precedent for global cooperation and international effort.


Source: Frost, Rosie. EuroNews. "Scientists predict the hole in the ozone layer will close in the next 50 years". 19/09/22. [Date accessed: 20/09/22].

Edited by: Manan Chordia



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