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Neha Shah

Landmark Court Decision: Peru Legalizes Same-Sex Unions, a Triumph for LGBTQ Rights

Lima, July 21 - Peru's high court has issued a groundbreaking ruling mandating the official registration of same-sex unions in public records. This historic verdict comes as a major step forward for the LGBTQ community in a nation where the acknowledgment of gay couples has been a contentious issue.

In a country that hasn't yet embraced same-sex marriage like many of its Latin American counterparts, this verdict carries significant importance. Although being gay isn't illegal in Peru, this decision challenges the country's prior reluctance to fully recognize and validate same-sex unions.

The high court's action involves declaring a certain clause in the Peruvian Civil Code from 1984 as "inapplicable." This particular clause had defined marriage as a consensual union exclusively between a man and a woman.

In a world striving for equality and inclusivity, this legal transformation is an affirmative stride for human rights and social progress. The court's decision signifies that Peru is moving towards embracing diversity and providing equal rights and recognition to all its citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation


Source: Woodford, Isabel. Reuters. "Landmark Court Decision: Peru Legalizes Same-Sex Unions, a Triumph for LGBTQ Rights". July 22, 2023. [Accessed: July 25 2023].

Edited by Aditya Balachander



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